Summer is the perfect time to get your hands dirty and build something new! Whether you’re looking for a weekend project or something to keep you busy the rest of the summer, there are plenty of DIY building projects to tackle. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Build a patio bench. This is a great project for beginners that brings a lot of added value with extra seating for your patio. All you need is some wood, screws and a few tools.
  • Build a birdhouse. This is another wonderful project for beginners, and it’s a fun way to attract beautiful birds to your backyard. All you need is some wood, nails and a few tools. The one featured in the photo above, made by local artist Betsy Wunderlick Gruy (@sugarloose on Instagram) features a mosaic design with glass tile. It may be a bit more advanced, but it gives you an idea of just how creative you can be.
  • Build a garden shed. This is a more challenging project, but it’s an excellent way to add some extra storage space to your backyard. You’ll need some basic carpentry skills, but there are plenty of tutorials available online and in home improvement stores.
  • Build a play-set for your kids. The kiddos will thank you for this one! There are plenty of different types of play-sets available, so you can find one that fits your budget and your backyard.
  • Build a treehouse. This project may also require a bit of skill, but it’s the perfect way to give your kids a special place to play that’s all their own, with the added benefit of giving them a sense of accomplishment, if they’re able to help. You will need some basic carpentry skills, but we know you’ve got this!

The good news is it’s easy to find plenty of helpful tutorials online or even in home improvement stores for all of these.

No matter what project you choose, make sure to wear safety glasses and gloves when working with tools. And always consult with a professional if you’re not sure how to do something. With a little effort, you can build something amazing this summer!