What are the costs and benefits of your home floor style?

The foundation of any interior room is the flooring. Both functional and decorative, flooring is not only the feeling we get under our feet as we cook, clean, and dance our ways through our homes, but flooring also sets the tone and mood of a room. With all the weight floors take in our home, it’s great to know the wide variety of options we have to perfectly customize our spaces. Let’s dive into a discussion on the approximate costs and benefits of each flooring category.

Solid Wood and Engineered Wood

Bringing mental images of Abe Lincoln in his log cabin or Paul Bunyon clearing trees out west, the classic of all classics for America homes is solid wood. Solid wood gives a vintage, historical feel to a home. Like a versatile outfit, solid wood can be dressed up or dressed down in any home. It can be refinished multiple times by sanding it down and re-staining which adds to its versatility. Solid wood will wear and show scratches over time and refinishing it can be costly. Nonetheless, the natural warmth of solid wood is hard to beat.

Approximate Costs: $5 to $10 per square foot

The variations of wood flooring have become far more diverse than what comes in the forest. Engineered woods are incredible options for many homes due to their classic feel and greater resistance to humidity than solid wood. On the downside, engineered wood is less durable and more prone to dents than solid wood. It also cannot be refinished as many times as solid wood. Engineered wood can make exotic wood styles marginally more cost effective for your home giving them a leg up in their ability to be customized.

Approximate Costs: $4 to $9 per square foot

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Laminate Flooring

The true chameleon of flooring is laminate. It can be made to mimic virtually anything. Laminate flooring is much easier to replace than woods, so updating styles is more feasible without professional help. Relatively cheap per square foot, yet extremely durable and wear resistant, laminate flooring poses a phenomenal value. Laminate gets a knock for style as it typically has repetitive patterns that can make it appear less classy.

Approximate Costs: $2 to $7 per square foot

Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles

Ceramic and porcelain tiles come in various colors, patterns and shapes ranging from classic, modern, and everything in between. Porcelain tiles are even available in faux wood “planks” to offer the style of hardwood juxtaposed with the durability of porcelain tile. A variety of ceramic flooring is terracotta tiles which can be a little more high maintenance but boast classic warm earth tones that have been popular for generations and are heavily trending. Between the two varieties, ceramic tiles are often less expensive and less durable than porcelain tiles.

Approximate Costs: $3 to $15 per square foot

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Concrete Flooring

A floor that previously looked unfinished is now considered stylish and chic for modern homes. Concrete offers a simple base for any consumer customization allowing its cost per square foot to vary as much as the designs. When sealed, this floor option is extremely low maintenance and easy to care for. While some homeowners opt for concrete to save the budget, terrazzo floors can climb to the top of a builder’s budget. This timeless classic has gained recent attention and is chosen for the beautiful mix of broken stones and materials set in concrete offering a wholly customized outcome.

Approximate Costs: $2-15 per square foot

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